Is solar energy unauthorized? Compliant solar? Don’t trust the contractor!


✅ 不高於2.5米
✅ 不佔用天台面積多於50%
✅ 不得伸出外牆超過750毫米
✅ 平均荷載不得超過每平方米150公斤
✅ 安裝於樓梯頂篷上,高度由樓梯頂篷至系統最高點不可超過1.5米,平均荷載不可超過每平方米75公斤。
✅ 只可在沒有任何僭建物的村屋天台,即使是已申報並政府確認的僭建物亦不可。



✅ 屬於私人業權或位於短期租約的土地
✅ 不得伸出外牆超過750毫米


✅ 需徵求業主立案法團、互助委員會或管理公司同意
✅ 不可伸出樓宇外牆或豎設在懸臂式平板上。
✅ 不會減少或阻塞逃生途徑。
✅ 不可阻礙排水渠。

How to calculate the return?

The annual income is about $50,808. Until 2033, the total income is: $50,808 x 10 years = $508,080.
After deducting the cost, the estimated profit is ~ HK$ 500,000. The earlier you apply, the higher the return!

Here is an example of a village house for reference:
A 700-square-foot village house occupies no more than 50% of the rooftop area, resulting in a usable area of 350 square feet.
It can accommodate approximately 20 panels of 435W solar panels.

With a buyback price of $4 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and an average of 4 hours of sunlight per day, the calculation is as follows:
20 panels x 435W = 8,700W x 4 hours x 365 days = 12,702kWh/year

It can generate approximately 12,702 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, based on the electricity company's commitment to buy back each kWh at$4.
Therefore , the annual revenue would be 12,702kWh x $4 = $50,808.


There are many companies of the same type in the market, more than half of which are outsourcing/subcontracting companies without their own professional team. They all use different subcontractors to contract with the lowest price from application to completion. The efficiency and safety of solar panels are not guaranteed, so the price is usually lower, not to mention the quality assurance, and there is no way to complain if there are problems!



由申請、繪圖、審批、施工、測試、保養、維修均一站式由本公司處理,絕無外判, 我們的團隊有建築物條例執行署認可人士(AP)﹑註冊結構工程師(RSE),更於2019年正式邀得前中電太陽能部門經理強勢加盟,為我們的客人處理每宗個案,確保每項工程合格合法,以最短時間完成繁複的申請程序,令客人最快速度收到電力公司的支票,同時我們提供不同的售後保養服務,包括太陽能板15年保養一換一,玻璃屋設計工程等等!

公司最近積極開發用手機APP 智能監察太陽能電板效能,客人用智能電話就可以知道每天的電力收入和效能,做到「真正」一站式服務!



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