


Companies charge from HKD 130,000 to 200,000, depending on scale, materials, maintenance, and installation environment.

Cost of removing illegal structures


How long will it take to break-even? How to calculate?

About 4 years on average.


Here is an example of a village house for reference:
A 700-square-foot village house occupies no more than 50% of the rooftop area, resulting in a usable area of 350 square feet.
It can accommodate approximately 20 panels of 435W solar panels.


With a buyback price of $4 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and an average of 4 hours of sunlight per day, the calculation is as follows:
20 panels x 435W = 8,700W x 4 hours x 365 days = 12,702kWh/year


It can generate approximately 12,702 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, based on the electricity company's commitment to buy back each kWh at$4.
Therefore , the annual revenue would be 12,702kWh x $4 = $50,808.


After deducting the cost and estimated profit, the earlier you apply, the higher the return!


Hardware maintenance will be determined according to the manufacturer's deadline, and the maintenance will last for 1 year, after which the guests can choose to upgrade the solar energy maintenance service. According to the current technical level, more than 80% of power generation efficiency can be maintained after 25 years. The warranty period of inverter products from DC to AC is about 8 years.


There are many companies of the same type in the market, more than half of which are outsourcing/subcontracting companies without their own professional team. They all use different subcontractors to contract with the lowest price from application to completion. The efficiency and safety of solar panels are not guaranteed, so the price is usually lower, not to mention the quality assurance, and there is no way to complain if there are problems!


If you are unlucky to meet these companies, don't be discouraged. We will provide services and professional advice for some "unfinished" projects. Welcome to inquire with us.

Which plan is more suitable for village house/commercial building?

There is no specific answer. It depends on the owner’s situation. Each has its benefits.




Payment mode & method
  1. 可一次過付全額
  2. 正常會分4個階段付款
  3. 可自行到銀行辦理分期付款
  4. 太陽農莊代辦大新銀行分期付款


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