


村屋合法多半層 共享收益

01. $0 Cost

The owner can contribute zero capital without any payment, even if you have unauthorized structures that need demolishing. As long as you have an idle rooftop (for example, industrial building, commercial building, warehouse, housing estate, village house, etc.),Solar Farm HK will share a fixed percentage of the profits ofCLP/HEC's feed-in tariff.

*Can also have other sharing cooperation models, which can be discussed.

02. Passive income

CLP/HEC feed-in tariff scheme 將於2033年12月31日完結。津貼目的是鼓勵發展太陽能。即使2033年後政府不再延續該計畫,但有關可再生能源系統所生產的電力將屬於有關系統的擁有人,可用以減輕系統擁有人的電費開支。

有關 「上網電價」 計劃 結束後的安排,可與我們聯絡了解詳情。

How to split?




If split, how's the maintenance?


Are there any hidden rules behind it?



The annual income is about $50,808. Until 2033, the total income is: $50,808 x 10 years = $508,080.

After deducting the cost, the estimated profit is ~ HK$ 500,000. The earlier you apply, the higher the return!

Here is an example of a village house for reference:
A 700-square-foot village house occupies no more than 50% of the rooftop area, resulting in a usable area of 350 square feet.

It can accommodate approximately 20 panels of 435W solar panels.

With a buyback price of $4 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and an average of 4 hours of sunlight per day, the calculation is as follows:
20 panels x 435W = 8,700W x 4 hours x 365 days = 12,702kWh/year

It can generate approximately 12,702 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, based on the electricity company's commitment to buy back each kWh at$4.

12702kw x $4 = $50,808/ year.

03. Cool the rooftop and reduce electricity bills



平均而言,屋頂太陽能發電系統能夠降低建築物室內溫度3– 5 ℃。可降低冷氣使用量,從而達到節能效果。

04. Enhance the value of rooftop assets

After the solar energy system is installed on the rooftop and successfully connected to the grid, its productivity and legal structure directly enhance the value of rooftop assets. The life of a solar energy system is up to 25 years. According to the current technical level, more than 80% of the power generation efficiency can be maintained after 25 years. The warranty period of DC to AC inverter products is about 8 years.

What to do if the property is sold during the contract period?

If the owner sells the building and breaks the contract, the owner has to repurchase it from the solar company according to the terms of the agreement or arrange for the next owner to renew the contract.

How much capacity of a solar system can be installed on the roof?

The roof's installation conditions and the selected modules' conversion efficiency all affect the installable system capacity. Generally speaking, if the roof is flat, a 6.3Kw solar system usually requires an installation area of about 350 square meters. If the roof is inclined and the modular products with higher conversion efficiency are used in the same area, the installed system capacity will be larger.

Will it emit noise and cause electromagnetic wave hazards?

The magnetic field strength generated by the device is equivalent to that of ordinary household appliances such as computers. There is no electromagnetic wave harming the human body during operation.